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May 2 is International Scurvy Awareness Day. Scurvy is no longer a major problem. However, it’s still important to recognize its place in the world. Wear orange as a way to recognize International Scurvy Awareness Day. We offer orange fabric ribbons, orange enamel pins, and orange silicone wristbands.
Scurvy is caused by Vitamin C deficiency with symptoms of red and purple blotches on the skin, itchy rash, and bleeding gums. Usually feelings of weakness and aches in joints and muscles precede these more prominent symptoms. At later stages tooth loss is possible. Jaundice, fever, convulsions and eventually death can occur if not treated. In days gone by, the disease was a real threat. However, in the modern and developed world the sickness is rare because of improved diets.
Symptoms of scurvy were first recorded by the ancient Egyptians and throughout human history the disease has been identified along with its cure. The cure is to eat more fruits and vegetables. When sailors traveled the globe, scurvy was a constant threat. This is because it was very difficult to keep a steady supply of fresh foods on long voyages. Some historians have estimated that as many as 2 million sailors died during the Age of Exploration (1500-1800). The British Royal Navy began mandating daily rations of lime juice for members of its navy during the 1800’s. They would mix it with their rum or beer and called it “grog.” American sailors began calling British sailors “Limeys” in a derogatory fashion and it wasn’t long until the term began to be used for all Brits.
There are many fruits and vegetables that are high in ascorbic acid, the other name for the powerful vitamin.
In the USDA’s database there are 276 fruits and vegetables listed that have a lot of Vitamin C. For example, the green kiwi fruit is high on the list. However, it has 10mg less Vitamin C than its golden sibling. Similarly for sweet peppers, the yellow one beats its red and green cousins substantially with almost twice as much Vitamin C than the green and 1.5 times as much as the red.
So in recognition of National Scurvy Awareness Day, it’s good to know where you can get your daily doses of Vitamin C. And of course we all need it daily as the body cannot store it up. But if you are getting 5-10 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, you won’t have to worry. Chances are you are already getting the 75-90 mgs a day recommended by dietitians.
Though the symptoms can be severe, scurvy is fairly simple to treat.
Vitamin C is naturally found in many fruits and vegetables. It’s also often added to juices, cereals, and snack foods. If you suspect you have a mild case of scurvy, eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily is the easiest way to treat the condition. Oral vitamin C supplements are also widely available, and the vitamin is included in most multivitamins. If symptoms continue after a few days of dietary changes, speak with a doctor.
There’s no consensus on a specific therapeutic dose for severe scurvy. For these cases, a doctor may recommend high doses of oral vitamin C supplements for several weeks or longer.