Autoimmune Disease Awareness Ribbons

personalized cause research causes color meaning

Autoimmune disease awareness ribbons call attention to the more than eighty autoimmune diseases known at the present time. Because diagnosis is often difficult, being aware of signs and symptoms is key to effective treatment. Therefore, our comprehensive list gives insight into the many forms autoimmune diseases take.

An explanation of autoimmune diseases: A healthy immune system defends the body against disease and infection. When the immune system malfunctions, it attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Called autoimmune disease, these attacks affect any part of the body, weakening bodily function and even becoming life-threatening. Autoimmune diseases can occur at any time throughout a person's life, ranging from childhood to later years.

Scientists recognize more than eighty autoimmune diseases. Well known autoimmune diseases are Type 1 Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Other autoimmune diseases are less common. Many conditions are rare and difficult to diagnose. Patients, therefore, may suffer for many years before getting a proper diagnosis. This is more common with unusual autoimmune diseases because many autoimmune diseases mimic other illnesses.

Treatment Options, New Drugs and Research

Most autoimmune diseases have no cure. Some, however, require lifelong treatment to ease symptoms. Others may have no treatment available at all. Only recently have scientists and pharmaceutical companies developed medications to treat autoimmune diseases. For example, many drugs are now available to treat autoimmune conditions such as psoriatic arthritis.

Previously, for diseases such as lupus, new medications were slow to come to market. For example, a new lupus drug had not been developed for fifty years. Now, there are alternatives to steroids and more toxic drugs. These new drugs, though, have their own set of complications.

The same is true for many other drugs that treat autoimmune diseases. That is why funding and research are so important. Funding and research are a direct result of awareness about autoimmune diseases. The more attention called to them, the more solutions become available to treat the conditions.



Light Blue Awareness or Light Green Awareness Ribbons for Achalasia Awareness

Achalasia is a rare disorder of the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Symptoms include impaired ability to push food down toward the stomach. For this reason, eating and getting correct nutrition is difficult. Achalasia is a lifelong condition that may have serious symptoms. With proper treatment, symptoms can be managed so they do not disrupt everyday life.

Personalized cause light blue enamel ribbon pins Addisons Disease Adrenal Insufficiency Chronic Diseases Chronic Illnesses Mens Health MovemberPersonalized cause light blue personalized enamel ribbon pins Addisons Disease Adrenal Insufficiency Chronic Diseases Chronic Illnesses Mens Health MovemberPersonalized cause light blue fabric ribbon pins Addisons Disease Adrenal Insufficiency Chronic Diseases Chronic Illnesses Mens Health MovemberPersonalized cause light blue personalized fabric ribbon pins Addisons Disease Adrenal Insufficiency Chronic Diseases Chronic Illnesses Mens Health MovemberPersonalized cause light blue KNOW MORE wristband Addisons Disease Adrenal Insufficiency Chronic Diseases Chronic Illnesses Mens Health MovemberPersonalized cause light blue personalized wristband Addisons Disease Adrenal Insufficiency Chronic Diseases Chronic Illnesses Mens Health Movember

Personalized cause light green enamel ribbon pins Celiac Disease Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs Personalized cause light green personalized enamel ribbon pins Celiac Disease Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs Personalized cause light green KNOW MORE wristband Celiac Disease Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs Personalized cause light green personalized wristband Celiac Disease Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs


Orange Awareness Ribbons for Balo's Disease Awareness

Balo Disease is a rare and progressive variant of multiple sclerosis. It usually first appears in adulthood, but childhood cases have also been reported. While multiple sclerosis typically is a disease that waxes and wanes, Balo Disease is different in that it tends to be rapidly progressive. Symptoms may include headache, seizures, gradual paralysis, involuntary muscle spasms, and cognitive loss.

Personalized cause orange enamel ribbon pins Food Insecurity Hunger Food Deserts Gun Control Leukemia Mass Shooting Prevention Gun Control Self Harm Self Injury World Hunger Personalized cause orange personalized enamel ribbon pins Food Insecurity Hunger Food Deserts Gun Control Leukemia Mass Shooting Prevention Gun Control Self Harm Self Injury World Hunger Personalized cause orange fabric ribbon pins Food Insecurity Hunger Food Deserts Gun Control Leukemia Mass Shooting Prevention Gun Control Self Harm Self Injury World Hunger Personalized cause orange personalized fabric ribbon pins Food Insecurity Hunger Food Deserts Gun Control Leukemia Mass Shooting Prevention Gun Control Self Harm Self Injury World Hunger Personalized cause orange KNOW MORE wristband Food Insecurity Hunger Food Deserts Gun Control Leukemia Mass Shooting Prevention Gun Control Self Harm Self Injury World Hunger Personalized cause orange personalized wristband Food Insecurity Hunger Food Deserts Gun Control Leukemia Mass Shooting Prevention Gun Control Self Harm Self Injury World Hunger


Purple and Blue Awareness Ribbons for Felty Syndrome Awareness

Felty syndrome is a triad of three conditions that occur together:

It usually starts with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and the other two conditions occur as complications of RA. Healthcare providers call these “extra-articular manifestations,” meaning they’re manifestations of arthritis that occur outside of the joints. The same inflammatory and autoimmune processes cause them. Extra-articular manifestations are common with RA, but Felty syndrome is relatively rare.

Personalized cause purple and blue personalized enamel ribbon pins Fentanyl Abuse Overdose Inflammatory Arthritis Mixed Connective Tissue Disease MCTD Preeclampsia Rheumatoid Arthritis RA Personalized cause purple and blue enamel ribbon pins Fentanyl Abuse Overdose Inflammatory Arthritis Mixed Connective Tissue Disease MCTD Preeclampsia Rheumatoid Arthritis RA


Purple Awareness Ribbons for Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome Awareness

Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome is an autoimmune disease, a disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues. The attack occurs at the connection between nerves and muscles and interferes with the ability of nerve cells to send signals to muscle cells.

Personalized cause purple enamel ribbon pins Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo Personalized cause purple personalized enamel ribbon pins Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo   Personalized cause purple KNOW MORE awareness wristband Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo Personalized cause purple personalized awareness wristband Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo


Blue Awareness Ribbons for Palindromic Rheumatism Awareness

Palindromic rheumatism (PR) is a rare type of inflammatory arthritis.  Between attacks of joint pain and swelling, the symptoms disappear, and the affected joints go back to normal with no lasting damage. Half of the people who have palindromic rheumatism eventually develop rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which does cause permanent joint damage. Palindromic rheumatism affects men and women equally and typically affects people between the ages of 20 and 50.

Personalized cause blue enamel ribbon pins Arthritis Colon Cancer Huntingtons Disease Child Abuse Child Neglect Human Trafficking Sex Trafficking Postural orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome POTS Personalized cause blue personalized enamel ribbon pins Arthritis Colon Cancer Huntingtons Disease Child Abuse Child Neglect Human Trafficking Sex Trafficking Postural orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome POTS


Purple Awareness Ribbons for Sarcoidosis Awareness

Sarcoidosis is a condition that causes the immune system to overreact and make lumps or nodules called granulomas. Depending on location and size, granulomas can cause mild to severe symptoms or no symptoms at all. In some cases, they can turn into fibrosis, causing permanent lung scarring.

Personalized cause purple enamel ribbon pins Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo Personalized cause purple personalized enamel ribbon pins Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo Personalized cause purple fabric Ribbons Cancer Survivors Colitis International Overdose Awareness Day Lupus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLE Lupus Personalized cause purple fabric personalized Ribbons Cancer Survivors Colitis International Overdose Awareness Day Lupus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLE Lupus Personalized cause purple KNOW MORE awareness wristband Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo Personalized cause purple personalized awareness wristband Cancer Survivors Colitis Overdose Awareness Day Lupus SLE Lupus Lewy Body Dementia Pancreatic Cancer Relay for Life Sjogrens Syndrome Vitiligo