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National Cancer Prevention Day personalized cause

National Cancer Prevention Day

National Cancer Prevention Day Takes Place on February 4 Let’s Fight Cancer With a Focus on Prevention During National Cancer Prevention Day! Wear a lavender pin, ribbon or wristband on February 4 each year. These lavender awareness products help call attention to the ways that cancer can be prevented. Less Cancer’s work to raise awareness…

Go Red for Woman heart disease awareness personalized cause

Go Red for Women Day

Go Red for Women In 2004, the American Heart Association faced a challenge. Cardiovascular diseases claimed the lives of too many women each year in the United States. Yet women were not paying attention. In order to raise awareness of heart disease and stroke as one of the leading killers of women, the AHA created…

Give Kids a Smile Day personalized cause

Give Kids a Smile Day

What is Give Kids a Smile Day? Give Kids A Smile Day is an annual volunteer program. It provides free educational, preventative and restorative services to children from low-income families. It is part of National Children’s Dental Health Month. Many of these children are unable to eat, sleep or pay attention in school. This ultimately…

American heart month personalized cause support awareness heart failure

Heart Failure Awareness Week

Heart Failure Awareness Week Heart Failure Awareness Week takes place the week of Valentine’s Day. HF is a progressive condition in which the heart loses its ability to pump enough blood to supply the body’s needs. The awareness color associated with Heart Failure Awareness Week is red. Personalized Cause offers red enamel awareness ribbon pins…

national cardiac rehabilitation week personalized cause support

National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week

National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week In February, which is American Heart Month, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) attracts attention to its Cardiac Rehabilitation Week. In addition, Cardiac Rehabilitation Week is part of a larger campaign focusing on heart health and fighting the devastating effects of heart disease. Each year, the AACVPR celebrates…

National Cheer Safety Month personalized cause

National Cheer Safety Month

National Cheer Safety Month Why did National Cheer Safety Month move to August? National Cheer Safety Month moved from March to August to have a better impact on cheer safety. August is when new teams form. It’s also when teams gather to prepare for and start new seasons. National Cheer Safety Month is excited to…

What is World Autism Acceptance Week? personalized cause

World Autism Acceptance Week

What is World Autism Acceptance Week? The aim of World Autism Acceptance Week (formerly known as Autism Awareness Week) is to help people understand autism. In addition, it highlights the ways it can affect life for autistic people. Autism Acceptance Week is also a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness and acceptance of autism. The puzzle…

National Hospitalist Day personalized cause

National Hospitalist Day

National Hospitalist Day The inaugural day of recognition to honor hospital medicine care teams was Thursday, March 7, 2019. National Hospitalist Day takes place on the first Thursday in March each year. Further, National Hospitalist Day celebrates the fastest-growing specialty in modern medicine. And, this day celebrates hospitalists’ enduring contributions to the evolving health care…

World Sleep Day® personalized cause

World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day World Sleep Day is an annual event, and intended to be a celebration of sleep. It is also a call to action on important issues related to sleep. These include medicine, education, social aspects and driving. World Sleep Day is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society.…

American Diabetes Alert Day® personalized cause

American Diabetes Alert Day

American Diabetes Alert Day® Thirty-five years ago, The American Diabetes Association established American Diabetes Alert Day to educate and build awareness around this serious health condition. Diabetes affects millions of Americans each year. This annual event is observed on the fourth Tuesday in March. It is a one-day “wake-up call” that focuses on the consequences…

National Public Health Week personalized cause

National Public Health Week

National Public Health Week During the first full week of April each year, APHA brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week. In addition, it is a time to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation’s health. For over 25 years,…

National Influenza Vaccination Week personalized cause

National Influenza Vaccination Week

National Influenza Vaccination Week National Influenza Vaccination Week takes place during December. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has designated the week after Thanksgiving as National Influenza Vaccination Week. This week long event is designed to raise awareness of the importance of continuing influenza (flu) vaccination. In addition, it encourages greater use of the…