What is Orphanet?

Orphanet is a collaborative effort involving multiple countries. Its aim, therefore, is to share knowledge and expertise on rare diseases across the globe. Orphanet also strives to enhance the diagnosis, care, and treatment of patients with rare diseases. It does this by providing high-quality information and ensuring equal access to knowledge for all stakeholders. This includes healthcare professionals and the general public. In other words, Orphanet acts as a comprehensive information portal on rare diseases and orphan drugs. It also serves as a resource on rare disease and orphan drug content. Content, for example, is developed based on peer-reviewed journal articles and internationally recognized experts.

Why Does Personalized Cause® Use the Denim Ribbon to Represent Orphanet?

Personalized Cause® uses the blue jeans designation because of Orphanet's association with Global Genes®. Global Genes's list of rare diseases is powered by Orphanet. Orphanet is an authoritative disease database. It includes both genetic and clinically recognized rare conditions, including congenital rare diseases.

Global Genes is a global non-profit advocacy organization for individuals and families fighting rare and genetic diseases. The organization designates its rare diseases with a blue denim "Genes Ribbon." This ribbon is intended to raise awareness about rare and genetic diseases. 

Please see both our personalized and non-personalized denim blue jeans enamel awareness ribbon pins. We feature them on this page and throughout our website.

Orphanet's History and Definition of Rare Diseases

Orphanet was established in France in 1997. It gathers and disseminates scarce knowledge to improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases. Grants from the European Commission support its efforts. Orphanet has grown to a network of 42 countries within Europe and across the globe.

Orphanet helps all stakeholders access quality information online. And, it contributes to knowledge by producing massive, computable, re-usable scientific data. Orphanet defines a rare disease as one with a prevalence of less than 1 per 2000 people residing in Europe.

What is the Difference Between NORD® and Orphanet?

NORD stands for the National Organization for Rare Disorders. NORD is a non-profit organization focused on providing information and advocacy for people with rare diseases. Orphanet, on the other hand, is a comprehensive online database that collects and disseminates information specifically about rare diseases. It essentially acts as a knowledge hub for researchers and healthcare professionals on a particular topic. While both deal with rare diseases, NORD is primarily a patient advocacy group. In contrast, Orphanet is a data repository and information platform. 

A Comprehensive List of Orphanet Rare Diseases:

ORPHANET Rare Diseases – A THRU M

ORPHANET Rare Diseases – N THRU Z